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The Gear I Use
I am often asked what camera I use to capture my images. The first thing to know is that the camera does NOT take the picture, you the photographer MAKE the picture. Poor technique with the world's most expensive camera will not make for a sharp, attractive image. Yet a professional with any point-and-shoot can take amazing images. So your best option is to do both: get the best equipment you can afford, and LEARN HOW TO USE IT! Also, the camera you HAVE WITH YOU ALL THE TIME takes better shots than an expensive heavy camera sitting at home or in your car. Click HERE for a list of current Canon Big Glass Lenses My main camera body is the Canon EOS 1D Mark IV SLR Digital Camera This camera shoots 10 frames per second, is built like a tank, and has amazing image quality. The main lens I shoot for bird and nature photography is the Canon EF 800mm f/5.6L IS USM Autofocus Lens This is the longest production telephoto that Canon makes. It is simply amazing.
If I were starting out again today in photography, I'd start with the Canon EOS Rebel T3i Digital Camera You want to start with a good camera, and work your way up as your skills improve. For intermediate work, my all-time favorite lens is the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM Telephoto Zoom Lens For longer intermediate work, consider the infamous 300 f2.8 lens.
As for tripods, I use mostly Gitzo tripods. They are strong, light, and extremely well built. Another 'must have' to do it right. On the Gitzo goes the Wimberley gimbal tripod head. - Wimberley WH-200 Gimbal Tripod Head II with Quick Release Base This makes the lens light as a feather to work with. Finally, Thinktank camera bags - the best made camera bags in the world! My favorite is the Think Tank Airport Security roller bag. Click HERE to buy it directly from Think Tank. One of the best places to buy equipement is B+H Photo out of New York. They pretty much set the price standard anyone is going to offer across the country, and have great service. Using any of my links will cost not a penny more for you. Click the link below to be taken to their online store.
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